Deitchman, R., and S. P. Loheide, 2012. Sensitivity of Thermal Habitat of a Trout Stream to Potential Climate Change, Wisconsin, United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. link
Striegl, A. M., and S. P. Loheide, 2012. Heated Distributed Temperature Sensing for Field Scale Soil Moisture Monitoring. Ground Water. link
Booth, E. G., and S. P. Loheide, 2012. Hydroecological model predictions indicate wetter and more diverse soil water regimes and vegetation types following floodplain restoration. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences. link
Booth, E. G., and S. P. Loheide, 2012. Comparing surface effective saturation and depth-to-water-level as predictors of plant composition in a restored riparian wetland. Ecohydrology. link
Booth, E.G. and S.P. Loheide. 2010. Effects of evapotranspiration partitioning, plant water stress response, and topsoil removal on the soil moisture regime of a floodplain wetland: Implications for restoration. Hydrological Processes, 24(20): 2934-2946. link
Booth, E.G., Loheide, S.P., II and Hansis, R.D., 2009. Postsettlement Alluvium Removal: A Novel Floodplain Restoration Technique (Wisconsin). Ecological Restoration, 27(2): 136-139. download pdf
Booth, E.G., 2011. Monitoring and modeling hydroecological changes at a restored floodplain, East Branch Pecatonica River, Wisconsin. Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. 211 pp.
Deitchman, R.S., 2009. Thermal remote sensing of stream temperature and groundwater discharge: applications to hydrogeology and water resources policy in the state of Wisconsin. M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 139 pp.
Ferguson, J.K., 2009. Reconstructing historic floodplain conditions for restorations: a case study in Iowa County, Wisconsin. M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 78 pp.
Booth, E.G. and S.P. Loheide, 2011. Predicting wetland plant composition based on soil moisture regime using a quasi-3D variably-saturated groundwater flow model. 35th Annual Meeting of the AWRA – Wisconsin Section, Appleton, WI.
Booth, E.G. and S.P. Loheide, 2011. Development of a model to predict plant composition based on soil moisture regime in a restored floodplain wetland in southwestern Wisconsin. 2nd Annual Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium, Oconomowoc, WI.
Booth, E.G. and S.P. Loheide, 2010. Soil moisture versus depth-to-water-level: Which is better for predicting plant composition in a restored floodplain wetland? American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010. abstract #H43D-1280.
Booth, E.G. and Loheide, S.P. 2010. Controls on the soil moisture regime of a restored floodplain, East Branch Pecatonica River: A field and modeling investigation in 34th Annual Meeting of the American Water Resources Association – Wisconsin Section, Middleton, WI.
Booth, E.G. and Loheide, S.P. 2009. Quantifying the hydrologic interactions associated with the plant water stress function and evapotranspiration partitioning in a wetland ecosystem. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2009, Portland, OR. abstract ID# 165517
Booth, E.G. and Loheide, S.P. 2008. A Case Where a Shallower Water Table Leads to Drier Soils Following the Restoration of a Pre-Settlement Floodplain Surface: Insight From Numerical Modeling. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #H33B-1005
Booth, E.G. and Loheide, S.P. 2008. Monitoring changes in subsurface hydrology, stream temperature, flood hydraulics, and vegetation following floodplain restoration on the East Branch Pecatonica River, WI in 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Water Resources Association – Wisconsin Section, Brookfield, WI.
Ferguson, J.K. 2008. Reconstructing historic floodplain conditions for restorations: A case study in Iowa County, Wisconsin in American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.