Steve deriving the Cauchy-Riemann equations


CEE 311 – Hydroscience
Introduction to the water cycle, its relationship to the environment and human attempts to conserve, control, and utilize water judiciously. Fundamentals of hydrology, hydraulics, coastal engineering and water resources engineering.

CEE 412 –  Groundwater Hydraulics
This class provides the engineering fundamentals of groundwater flow. The major focus is on developing and implementing 2-D, steady-state, analytical models of groundwater flow. Transient groundwater flow modeling, hydraulic testing methods, and numerical modeling are also introduced.

CEE 619a –  Hydroecology
The course will provide a description of the hydrologic mechanisms that underlie ecological pattern and processes. We will develop an understanding of the movement of water and energy through the soil plant atmosphere continuum. Case studies on the hydroecologic function and ecosystem services of varied environments will be presented.
Check out the class projects from 2008 and 2010!

CEE 619b –  Environmental Flows
Introduction to the the use and development of environmental flow regimes for describing and prescribing the quantity, timing, and quality of water flows required to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and human livelihoods and well-being that depend upon these ecosystems.

CEE 619c –  CUAHSI Specialized Online Hydrology Course
The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of the Hydrologic Sciences Inc. (CUAHSI) has organized these inter-university courses to enhance the depth and breadth of graduate course offerings at universities across the nation, increase the rate of uptake of new research and facilitate networking among our hydrologic community.

The format of the course is designed to give you flexibility to select the three topics most relevant to you from a list of Specialized Online Hydrology Course (SOHC) Modules that are being offered by leading faculty in these specialized research niches from across the country. Each SOHC module, which is equivalent to one-third of a semester course, is designed to facilitate interaction among the instructor and students and contain some evaluation elements (problem sets, projects, presentations, exams etc.). The instructor at each student’s home university will assign a grade based on the student scores and class distribution provided by the SOHC module instructor.