Carolyn collecting some field data in southwest Wisconsin

Check out Carolyn's research here!

Former PhD student and Post-Doc Sam Zipper about to fly in the sky! Research published in Agriculture and Forest Meteorology.

Read the article here!

Dom climbing a tree to install sensors to monitor water stress

Check out this photo gallery of some of his research!


Ongoing  research

Our research interests include hydroecology/ecohydrology, hydrogeology, river restoration, remote sensing, vegetative water use, sustainable land-use practices, vegetation patterning, stream-aquifer interactions, ecosystem function/services, human interaction with aquatic ecosystems

Learn more about specific research projects below.

Sustaining food, energy, and water security in agricultural landscapes of the Upper Mississippi River Basin

Keywords: Food-Energy-Water-Environmental Nexus, Smart tile-drainage, Managed Aquifer Recharge, Ecosystem Services

Groundwater Flooding in South Central Wisconsin

Keywords: Groundwater Flooding, Land use land cover change, Remote Sensing, Climate change


Fen Wetland Project

 ​​Keywords: Groundwater, fen, monitoring, modeling, peat, soil moisture,
water table, Environmental Protection Agency

Urban ecohydrology

Keywords: Urban hydrology, soil compaction, green infrastructure, residential development

Impact of Urban Trees on Stormwater Management

Keywords: Urban hydrology, tree canopy interception, stormwater management, emerald ash borer


Pumped Storage Hydropower

Keywords: Water-energy-environment nexus, environmental flows, climate change, water management & sustainability


Effects of Great Lake Water Level Fluctuations on Groundwater and Forests in Ridge and Swale Ecosystems

Keywords: Groundwater, Ridge & Swale Ecosystems, Great Lakes Water Levels, Coastal Forests.

Swale at the Ridges Sanctuary in Bailey's Harbor, WI.

Ecosystem Services in Stormwater Detention Ponds

Keywords: Urban hydrology, Stormwater management, Green infrastructure, Ecosystem services

An image of the outflow from upper Manitou pond in the UW Arboretum, one of the study sites.

Effects of Widespread Urban Greening on Rainfall and Heat

Keywords: Urban hydrology, Urban Heat, Green infrastructure, Hydrometeorology


Influence of groundwater on temperate forests

Keywords: Groundwater-forest interactions, drought vulnerability, tree growth, water stress, groundwater use by trees

Linking Fen Hydrology and Spectroscopy

 ​​Keywords: Fen, wetland, groundwater, remote sensing, spectroscopy, nutrients

Hydrologic impacts of the loss of Wisconsin’s winter on surface water-groundwater interactions

Keywords: Groundwater-surface water interactions, ice formation, Wisconsin rivers, hyporheic zone

Impact of Changing Snow Cover and Frozen Ground Regimes on Groundwater Recharge

Keywords: Freeze and thaw cycles, Snow cover, Frozen ground, Groundwater, Climate change


Former   projects

Learn more about past projects our group has worked on below.

Water, Sustainability, and Climate: The Yahara Watershed

Keywords: Ecosystem modeling, climate change, governance, societal values, sustainability, future scenarios

Urban Heat Island

Keywords: Urban heat island, evapotranspiration, phenology, remote sensing, water use

Mountain meadow restoration with a changing climate

Keywords: Sierra Nevada, groundwater modeling, groundwater dependent ecosystems

Stormwater Management Research Facilities (SMRFs)

Mountain meadow hydroecology

Keywords: Sierra Nevada, groundwater modeling, groundwater dependent ecosystems

Distributed temperature sensing

Keywords: Restoration, soil moisture, distributed temperature sensing

Municipal compost for use in erosion control

Keywords: Compost, organics recycling, unsaturated flow, erosion control


Ecohydrologic Effects of Land-use change in Argentina

Keywords: Argentina, land-use, agriculture-forest interactions, groundwater

Ecohydrology of Agroecosystems

Keywords: Groundwater subsidy, precision agriculture, soil texture, remote sensing, biophysical modeling, AgroIBIS, HRMET

Particle Organic Matter (POM) transport in the Columbia River

Keywords: Groundwater-surface water interactions, hyporheic zone, particle transport, Department of Energy