Welcome to the Hydroecology & Ecosystem Engineering group homepage!

Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada!

Urban Ecohydrology!


Floodplain Restoration!


Wetland Ecohydrology!

Street tree canopies can redirect throughfall in spatially predictable ways.



Our research group, led by Dr. Steve Loheide, is interested in science and engineering aspects of the movement of water through the environment as related to the complex and changing interactions among water needed for municipal and industrial uses, agriculture, and natural ecosystems. 

Much of our efforts are focused on improving the scientific context of ecosystem restoration; in particular, we develop methods to quantify and understand the processes controlling the exchange of water between groundwater, vadose water, vegetation, streams, and the atmosphere.

"No university, it seemed to me, could be more admirably situated, and as I sauntered about it, charmed with its fine lawns and trees and beautiful lakes, and saw the students going and coming with their books, and occasionally practicing with a theodolite in measuring distances, I thought that if I could only join them it would be the greatest joy of life. I was desperately hungry and thirsty for knowledge."

John Muir's comments as he recalls his feelings before enrolling at the UW-Madison


Applications for graduate studies from qualified students are always strongly encouraged!  Please submit your application early;

December 15th is the deadline to be considered for prestigious University Fellowships

Feel free to contact Steve if you have any questions.


Our group comes from diverse backgrounds with diverse hydroecological interests leading to a dynamic, collaborative environment


From natural to human dominated ecosystems, our hydroecological research spans fieldwork, numerical modeling, remote sensing and more